Meeting room: Avicenna
Rapporteurs: Evrim Cakil, Ozgur Ozturk, and Koray Kaya, TPA My Guide Pharmacy, Turkey
NCDs pose one of the greatest healthcare risks for humanity, demanding new answers and requiring innovative and creative solutions from health systems and healthcare professionals. Building on the key roles pharmacists already play as primary healthcare professionals in the community, pharmacists can provide focused interventions, specialised counselling and care coordination, improving patient engagement to achieve better outcomes in the global fight against NCDs. The session will also be a platform for sharing the experiences through TPA’s My Guide Pharmacy Programme on beating NCDs and opportunities for multi-stakeholder collaboration and expansion of the programme will be explored.
16.00 – 16.30 Panel discussion moderated by chairs:
Oleg I. Klimov, President, All-Ukranian Pharmacists’ Chamber, Ukraine
Zuzana Kusynova, Lead for Policy, Practice and Compliance, FIP, The Netherlands
Anna Laven, CEO, Pharmabrain, Germany
16.30 – 18.00 Pharmacists and physicians unite their vision to provide primary health care in Turkey: Seeking ways of collaboration between health care professionals
Pharmacy’s leap forward with My Guide Pharmacy Programme
Arman Uney, Secretary General, TPA, Turkey
Reflections from the field – Video presentation
Stakeholders’ perspective
Fatma Bekar, Head of Pharmacies Department, Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency –Turkey
Banu Ekinci, Ministry of Health, Public Health Directorate
Fatih Kara, Public Health Institution, Ministry of Health Turkey
Toker Erduger, WHO Country Office Turkey, WHO Regional Officer for Europe, Public Health Officer, Turkey
FIP Presidential remarks – Dominique Jordan, Switzerland
TPA Presidential remarks – Erdogan Colak, Turkey